
The arduino microcontroller was used for this class for running a few experiments as well as acting as the controller for the 3-leg parallel robot assembled by the students. The software needed to connect to the arduino is available online at All students needed to download that software to run on their laptops at each lab station.

There are a number of different files used for both teaching the idea of using microcontrollers to the students as well as for running the parallel robot constructed in this class. 

Most of the basic code used in instruction is based off of examples included with the arduino software - found under the examples toolbar. These files (blink, digitalreadserial, analogreadserial) are referenced in the arduino lecture notes as well as the course plan.

The rest of the files are included in the zipped folder below.

The first set of files are used for instruction/testing:

All the files starting with RRR_ are for controlling and calibrating the robot. Some of these are referenced in the robot construction guide as well with more detailed instructions for their use.

See the wiring diagram page for details on how to hook up the arduino for these various different test codes.

Download files